STEVIA (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni): a natural alternative to replace Antibiotic Growth Promoters in broilers


  • Armando Nilson Unidad de Investigación Aviar, UNRC, Argentina
  • Viviana Grosso Laboratorio de Vinculación Tecnológica, Facultad de Cs Exactas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales; UNRC, Argentina
  • Fernando Mañas Farmacologia, Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria, UNRC, Argentina
  • Arnaldo Soltermann Laboratorio de Vinculación Tecnológica, Facultad de Cs Exactas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales; UNRC, Argentina
  • Raúl D. Miazzo Unidad de Investigación Aviar, UNRC, Argentina
  • María Fernanda Peralta Unidad de Investigación Aviar, UNRC, Argentina


Objective: to determinate Stevia Extract (SE) effects,
in vitro (antimicrobial activity) and in vivo (lipoperoxidacion
levels, productive and immunological variables and intestinal
health) in broilers during the first fieen days of life. In vitro
assay: SE antimicrobial activity was determined using the disc
diffusion technic. In vivo assay: One hundred male (1-day
broilers chicks) were divided into four groups: Treatment 1
(T1) (without SE), T2: 0.5 % SE; T3: 0.75 % SE and T4: 1 %
SE. SE was added to drinking water. e following productive variable were determinate: conversion index. At the end of assay,
plasma concentrations of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances
(TBARs) were measured, thymus, Fabricius bursa and gut were
removed and processed for the histolomorphometric study. In the
gut was measured villi hight/crypt deep relation (VH/CD ratio).
Results: antimicrobial activity, TBARs and productive variables
were simmillar in all broilers (p≤ 0,05). CI was better in T4
and T2 (p≤ 0,05) than T3 and T1.In all groups received SE, an
increased immunology mature of thymus and Fabricius bursa was
observed toghether with an increase in plasmatic (IgA producers)
and goblet cells number and in the mucus layer height. In the gut,
HV/CD ratio were: T4‹T2‹T3‹T1 (p≤ 0,05). Conclusion: SE
(0.5-1 %) administrated in drinking water to broilers during the
first fieen days of life, increased immunology maturity in primary
lymphoid organs and intestinal health, it was reflex in better CI,
mainly when SE was administered at 1 %.


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Natural Additives in Broilers: Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni)


2023-08-01 — Updated on 2023-08-02


How to Cite

Nilson, A. ., Grosso, V., Mañas, F. ., Soltermann, A., Miazzo, R. D. ., & Peralta, M. F. (2023). STEVIA (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni): a natural alternative to replace Antibiotic Growth Promoters in broilers. Ab Intus, (11). Retrieved from (Original work published August 1, 2023)




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